5 March 2025
Ten Years Since the Inaugural Book Launch

Today is the 10th anniversary of SOFREH: THE ART OF PERSIAN CELEBRATION being first launched in London. The event, which was organized in collaboration with the Popli Khalatbari Charitable Foundation (PKCF), took place at a central London location, while the second launch was at the Vancouver Club in Vancouver, Canada in September 2015, in collaboration with Neekoo Philanthropic Society. Over two hundred guests were present at each event. The second edition of the book was launched in February 2018 at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA). The proceeds of the books sold were donated to PKCF, Neekoo and LACMA, respectively. Our social media pages Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and website have continued presenting new and original ideas to promote the aesthetics of the Persian tradition of creating a sofreh.
October 2024
Jashn-e Mehregan: Private Exhibition
Jashn-e Mehregan is an Iranian festival which is apparently dedicated to the god of Mithra (Mehr). To read more, please visit Very briefly, in the Persian culture, Mehregan is believed to have the same significance as Nowruz, with Nowruz signalling the beginning of spring and Mehregan marking the arrival of autumn. The celebrations, which have their origins in the pre-Islamic period and are associated with agriculture and harvest, are usually held between 16 and 21 Mehr in the Persian calendar, which correspond to 8 and 13 October.
The Mehregan customs have evolved over the years, and while there are celebrations, people do not spread a sofreh. However, apparently a sofreh was part of the celebrations in the past. For October 2024, to mark the occasion a sofreh showcasing a contemporary interpretation of past practices was designed for a private exhibition.
July 2024
Textiles, Embroideries & Sofreh
This elegant marriage sofreh showcases a variety of fine textiles and embroideries. It was designed for a private exhibition at the beginning of the hydrangea season in 2024, and appropriately it includes an abundance of this spectacular flower.
March/April 2024
Seven (Haft)
The title of this sofreh-ye haft sinn, designed for a private exhibition for the celebrations of Nowruz of 2024, is simply “Seven (Haft)”. Creatively, to emphasize the importance of the number seven (haft), this original sofreh showcases seven blocks of germinated wheat (sabzeh, the essence of this spring festival), seven statuettes/images of fish, seven varieties/shades of apples (sib), seven pillar candles and seven different shades of hyacinths (sonbol).
June/July 2023
Aqd @ Wedding Season: Private Exhibition
This elegant, geometric and symmetrical Persian marriage sofreh (sofreh-ye aqd) was designed for a private exhibition during the wedding season of 2023. The symbolic elements of this sofreh are presented in square or rectangular vessels, in particular, a pair of distinctive silver-plated cake stands with square plates.
April 2023
Sizdeh be-dar
Sizdeh be-dar, is the 13th day of Farvardin (the first month of the Persian calendar) and the concluding day of Nowruz festivities. In the Persian culture, like many other traditions, the number 13 is considered unlucky. Traditionally, on this 13th day people leave their homes and go into the green outdoors to picnic and purge the bad luck associated with the number. Sizdeh be-dar is discussed at length in SOFREH: The Art of Persian Celebration. To order your copy, please go to THE BOOK page.
On 2 April 2023 this image, which is included in SOFREH: The Art of Persian Celebration, was posted on the social media pages of the book. The image shows “A Party in a Garden” from a Persian manuscript painting, circa 1570 CE (Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C.). Note the depiction of various sofrehs, foods, musicians and someone playing on the swing, known as tab bazi.
March 2023
Shades of Blue
Showcasing many symbolic elements, this elaborate sofreh-ye haft sinn for the celebrations of Nowruz, in shades of blue, was designed for a private exhibition. Some of the symbolic elements, containers and ceramics, as well as the length of antique Persian brocade, delight in various shades of blue.
December 2022
Sofreh-ye aqd & Shab-e Yalda
For December 2022, inspired by the sofrehs to celebrate winter solstice (Shab-e Yalda), an original marriage sofreh (sofreh-ye aqd) was designed for a private exhibition. Shab-e Yalda is the longest night of the year, and falls around 21 December. To read more please scroll down and see the post of December 2020.
June/July 2022
Aqd @ Wedding Season: Private Exhibition
This orderly, manifestly symmetrical contemporary marriage sofreh (sofreh-ye aqd), that showcases a fusion of tradition and modernity, is inspired by the “Gold and Glass” sofreh featured in SOFREH: The Art of Persian Celebration, and posted on its social media pages in July 2017 and August 2018. It was designed for a private exhibition in June/July 2022.
July 2022
Exhibition on Isfahan
In connection with the exhibition on Isfahan mentioned below, the following image and caption were posted on the social media pages of SOFREH in July 2022.
This enchanting image reveals an intricately decorated backdrop for a lively festivity with music, flowers and a charming sofreh with flasks and vessels that may contain drinks and sweets. Pomegranates, which are an important part of the Persian cuisine and culinary tradition, are on display.
Image: Folio from a 16th century manuscript titled Bustan (Garden) by the 13th century Persian poet, Sa’di held at the Chester Beatty Library. Please see
SOFREH: The Art of Persian Celebration is available at the Chester Beatty Library and the Library of Trinity College, Dublin.
May 2022
Exhibition on Isfahan
The Chester Beatty museum in Dublin is holding an exhibition and talks on Isfahan under the Safavid dynasty—4 February-28 August 2022.
Meeting in Isfahan
Vision and Exchange in Safavid Iran
As the global silk trade boosted Iran’s economy, the popular rhyme observed: “Isfahan, nesf-e jahan” – “Isfahan is half the world”.
Please visit:
The following image and caption were posted on the social media pages of SOFREH in May 2022.
We are well into the wedding season. This charming 17th century image illustrates a marriage ceremony from the Book of Kings (Shahnameh) by Ferdowsi. An enchanting Persian marriage sofreh (sofreh-ye aqd) is on display, including pomegranates, beautiful jugs, jars and bowls which may contain wine or rosewater (golab), Persian sugared almonds (noql) or sweets. There are incense burners echoing the tradition of “esfand dud kardan” (burning seeds of rue), which releases a pleasant aroma and is believed to ward off evil spirits. Two pairs of sugar cones are on display. The custom of grinding sugar cones during the marriage ceremony to wish the couple a sweet and harmonious married life is popular to this day.
Image: Folio from a manuscript dated 1655 held at the Chester Beatty Library (CBL Per 270.66) – Iskandar marries Roshanak. Please see:
March/April 2022
Birth Table
This original award-winning sectional dining table set, “Birth Table”, by the Turkish designer Aziz Sanyer, was featured in SOFREH, showcasing a simple, yet creative sofreh for the celebrations of Nowruz (sofreh-ye haft sinn). To celebrate Nowruz in March 2022, this innovative dining table set has formed the foundation for another original sofreh creation. The elements of this versatile set are arranged in a different fashion, and the ensemble of this sofreh is surrounded with lengths of opulently ruched ivory silk.
Both the surfaces of the table and some chairs showcase the symbolic elements of the sofreh-ye haft sinn, e.g. a mirror, candelabra, the Qur’an, germinated wheat (sabzeh), hyacinths (sonbol), apples (sib), garlic (sir), vinegar (serkeh), sumac (somaq) and gilded coins (sekkeh). This delightful sofreh is embellished with lengths of fine antique Persian textile (termeh), with elaborate embroideries and borders.
December 2021
Aqd @ Festive Season: Private Exhibition
Inspired by the decorations of the festive season, a private exhibition was organized, presenting a compact Persian marriage sofreh (sofreh-ye aqd) on a soft green spread, with a white and gold colour scheme. It includes some of the important symbolic elements of the sofreh-ye aqd—a mirror, candelabra, nuts, sugared almonds, coins and sugarloaves. The tea light holders are shaped like Christmas trees. Ceramic metallic-finish pomegranates echo baubles. The soft white bouquets include sprigs of fir, reminiscent of Christmas foliage, while the gold-finish angel echoes the spirit of the festive season.
March 2021
Sofreh-ye Haft Sinn, Virginia Governor’s Mansion
For Nowruz of 1400 AS, a pleasing sofreh was displayed at the Virginia Governor’s Mansion, with the Governor and the First Lady comprehensively explaining the symbolism of the elements of the sofreh-ye haft sinn.
December 2020
Shab-e Yalda, Winter Solstice: Private Exhibition
To bring life and joy into the long, dark winter nights of 2020, a private exhibition was organized, presenting a sofreh reflecting the enchanting traditions of Shab-e Yalda, the winter solstice—the eve of 1 Dey in the Persian calendar, corresponding to 21 December. The feast of Yalda originates in the pre-Islamic period and is associated with agriculture. The divan-e Hafez (works of 14th-century Persian poet, Hafez) to recite poetry, and red fruits—watermelons and pomegranates—are important parts of this celebration, heralding the crimson hues of sunrise after absolute darkness, and the promise of longer days ahead. Interestingly, Shab-e Yalda is only about one minute longer than the preceding night. In the Persian tradition people get together, tea, sweets, fruits and nuts are served, and stories and poetry are recited and fortunes are told. The idea is to get through the darkest and longest night of the year, when it is believed that demons are most active, while celebrating the passing of darkness and the rebirth of the sun.

Click here to see photos of the details

24 December 2020
Christmas Versus Sofreh: Private Exhibition
This year the private exhibition of Shab-e Yalda, the winter solstice, which will be featured at the end of the month, was given particular prominence. Hence, only a compact, yet opulent arrangement was additionally exhibited to demonstrate a marriage of Christmas ornaments and the symbolic elements of the Persian sofreh.
The emphasis is on the richness of the deep-red and antique-gold colour scheme which echoes elements of both Christmas celebrations and the Persian traditions. A bouquet of Christmas foliage, including cotton branches and snowberry sprigs, takes centre stage behind a block of germinated wheat (sabzeh), an important symbolic element of the Persian sofreh. Christmas lights illuminate this section. Pomegranates, red apples, gold-finish walnuts, pine cones, gold tassels, pouches of sugared almonds and gilded coins (in the Persian spirit), leaves and a statuette of an angel (both with a gold finish) are on display and are softly illuminated with flames. For more ideas in the same spirit please visit the Gallery page, Christmas Versus Nowruz—December 2019 & Nowruz Versus Christmas—December 2018.

October 2020
Jashn-e Mehregan: Private Exhibition
2020 has been a painful and punishing time for everyone. The joy of gathering or celebrating has been sidelined by health and economic catastrophes. In the spirit of hope and optimism, an original and unconventional sofreh was created around the autumnal harvest for a private exhibition dedicated to Jashn-e Mehregan.
Jashn-e Mehregan is an Iranian festival which is apparently dedicated to the god of Mithra (Mehr). To read more, please visit Very briefly, in the Persian culture, Mehregan is believed to have the same significance as Nowruz, with Nowruz signalling the beginning of spring and Mehregan marking the arrival of autumn. The celebrations, which have their origins in the pre-Islamic period and are associated with agriculture and harvest, are usually held between 16 and 21 Mehr in the Persian calendar, which correspond to 8 and 13 October. Although in the past sofreh was part of the Mehregan customs, in modern times, it is not. Yet to mark the occasion, a sofreh with a refreshing outlook, showcasing a contemporary interpretation of past practices, is presented here.

Click here to see photos of the details

13 April 2020
Nowruz 2020
Regrettably, as a result of the global coronavirus outbreak, the majority of Nowruz gatherings and celebrations around the world were cancelled. During these challenging times, by discussing the various revered symbolic elements of the sofreh-ye haft sinn on the book's social media, SOFREH: The Art of Persian Celebration aspired to bring good fortune, joy, colour and beauty into the homes of those who celebrate Nowruz. The importance of the figure seven (haft) and the letter “s” (sinn) is visible in the presentations, and as germinated wheat (sabezh) is a vital and vivid part of the sofreh-ye haft sinn, it is included in all the arrangements created around the symbolic elements.

26 January 2020
Jashn-e Sadeh
For the occasion of Jashn-e Sadeh, this delightful image from the Metropolitan Museum of Art was posted on the book’s social media pages.
Jashn-e Sadeh (Sadeh/Sada Festival) like Nowruz and Mehregan is an ancient Iranian festival. It is celebrated on 10 Bahman (in the Persian calendar), corresponding to around 30 January. The history of Sadeh is ambiguous and complex. To learn more please visit
Here is a simplified version: The origins of Jashn-e Sadeh may be in Zoroastrianism or earlier. It is an important winter festival which was observed by Iranians and was lavishly celebrated in some Persian courts. Apparently the term Sadeh is derived from the Persian word “sad”, which means 100. Jashn-e Sadeh is celebrated on the 100th day of winter, in the ancient calendar when winter had five months. Sadeh fell on the 10th day of the fourth month of winter (3 months, or 90 days, plus 10 days equals 100 days). There are other interpretations for the origins of the term Sadeh such as, on 10 Bahman (around 30 January) there are 50 days and 50 nights (total of 100 or “sad”) left to Nowruz (21 March). The traditions and the festival are closely related to the discovery and honouring of fire, and herald getting close to the conclusion of winter. The celebrations, which take place around a fire, involve getting together, playing music, singing, dancing, wining and dining. Nowadays, these customs are still to a certain extent observed in various parts of Iran.
Please see the description of the image on

25 November 2019
Chiswick Auctions, Qajar Papier Mâché Panels
These delightful images of 19th-century Qajar papier mâché panels are courtesy of Chiswick Auctions, Islamic & Indian Art Auction, London, 3 May 2019. They were included on the book’s social media pages in November 2019. The message of the illustrations is particularly relevant to the subject of Book Two, Aqd (Aghd).
'SOFREH: The Art of Persian Celebration' provides a comprehensive account, past and present, of the Persian marriage and wedding ceremonies (aqd/arusi), in words and images. For more information, please go to The Book page.

Click here to see photos of the details

16 March 2019
IHF Gala Event: This original and elaborate sofreh-ye haft sinn, entitled Seven Scales, was designed and executed by the author for the Nowruz gala event of the Iran Heritage Foundation in London, on 16 March 2019.

Click here to see photos of the details

19 March 2018
Iran News Now interviewed Maryam Khosrowshahi, co-author of ‘SOFREH: The Art of Persian Celebration’ about the sofreh tradition and the celebration of Nowruz.
Click here to read the interview

15 January 2018
Pars Times interview with Maryam Khosrowshahi, co-author of ‘SOFREH: The Art of Persian Celebration’ about her inspiration, writing process, and future plans for the book.
Click here to read the interview

19 July 2017
Honouring the Sofreh Tradition: An Interview with Maryam Khosrowshahi
Click here to read the interview
This is a highlight video of SOFREH: The Art of Persian Celebration by Kayhan, in conjunction with Honouring the Sofreh Tradition: An Interview with Maryam Khosrowshahi.
SOFREH LAUNCH EVENT, LOS ANGELES at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA)
3 February 2018
LACMA hosted a public presentation of SOFREH: The Art of Persian Celebration with co-author Maryam Khosrowshahi and Dr Touraj Daryaee, the Maseeh Chair in Persian Studies and Culture and the Director of the Dr Samuel M Jordan Center for Persian Studies at the University of California, Irvine.
This is a highlight video from the launch of SOFREH: The Art of Persian Celebration at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) on 3 February 2018.
30 September 2015
SOFREH was launched at the Vancouver Club in Vancouver B.C., Canada in September 2015. Over two hundred people attended the event.
5 March 2015
The private launch of SOFREH took place at a central London location in March 2015 and was attended by over two hundred guests.